




高知大学  佐野特任教授

名古屋大学 小島勢二名誉教授



Proof of Collatz conjecture

  Convergence of  \boldsymbol{log_2 3\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}2}

From Wikipedia "Collatz Conjecture"

The Collatz conjecture in mathematics asks whether repeating two simple arithmetic operations will eventually transform every positive integer into one. It concerns sequences of integers in which each term is obtained from the previous term as follows: if the previous term is even, the next term is one half of the previous term. If the previous term is odd, the next term is 3 times the previous term plus 1. The conjecture is that these sequences always reach 1, no matter which positive integer is chosen to start the sequence.

Consider the following operation on an arbitrary positive integer:

  • If the number is even, divide it by two.
  • If the number is odd, triple it and add one.

We show two methods, which are said to be the conditions for confirming the end state of the Collatz problem and proof of it.

Check the end status

1. The value does not circulate

2. The value does not spread

Check the end status

For the Collatz problem, perform operation 5

 \hspace{15pt}5 \times 3 = 15
 \hspace{10pt}15 + 1 = 16

At this point, 16 is 2 to the 4th power, so it can be seen that it ends. In binary

 \hspace{15pt}101 \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}1111
 \hspace{10pt}1111 + \hspace{5pt}1 = 10000

Will be. Next, if you dare to perform an operation on 1, which is the convergence value,

 \hspace{15pt}1 \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}11
 \hspace{10pt}11 + \hspace{5pt}1 = 100

Will be. As a result, it can be seen that the value in which several two digits of the binary number 01 are lined up converges to 1. As shown shortly after, there is no other case. Hereafter, unless otherwise specified, the numbers in the formula are binary numbers, the numbers in parentheses are decimal numbers (example "1001(9)"), and the numbers after the comma are the remainder numbers of 3 (example "1011(11,2)").

Example of not converging to 1 with one odd number of operations:

When two 1s are adjacent

 \hspace{20pt}11(3) \times 11 = 1001(9)
 \hspace{10pt}1001(9) + \hspace{5pt}1 = 1010(10)

When two 1s are two digits apart

 \hspace{15pt}1001(9)\hspace{5pt} \times 11 = 11011(27)
 \hspace{10pt}11011(27) + \hspace{5pt}1 = 11100(28)

Example of converging to 1 with one odd number of operations:

When 10 01s are lined up

 \hspace{10pt}1010101010101010101 \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}11111111111111111111
 \hspace{10pt}1111111111111111111 + \hspace{5pt}1 = 100000000000000000000(2^{20})

If you calculate this in decimal,

 \hspace{15pt}349525 \times 3 = 1048575
 \hspace{10pt}1048575 + 1 = 1048576

There is virtually no point in dividing an even number by 2, and these are "multiples of 2", which is a state in which the most significant digit and the least significant digit of the value of 1 when viewed in binary are one.

In other words, the essence of the Collatz problem is that "when an odd number of operations  \boldsymbol{N \times 3 + 1} is repeated, it always becomes a multiplier of 2." However, what is added after multiplying by 3 is not 1 but the same value as the minimum digit of the value of 1 in the binary value.

The calculation result is not congruent with 0 with 3 as the modulo. This is because the odd-numbered operation result  N \times 3 + 1 is always congruent with 1 with 3 as the modulo, so there is no 3 in the factor of that number.

[Reason why values do not circulate]

The value does not circulate for each individual operation

If the values circulate, which of the three operations listed below is performed?

 \hspace{10pt}N \times 3
 \hspace{10pt}N + 1

First, assuming that it circulates in  N \times 3, if the value to be calculated at the beginning is  N_1, the value after the calculation is  M_1, the value to be circulated is  N_2, and the circulated value after the calculation is  M_2,

 \hspace{10pt}N_1 \neq N_2
 \hspace{10pt}N_1 \times 3 = M_1 (a)
 \hspace{10pt}N_2 \times 3 = M_2 (b)
 \hspace{10pt}M_1 =  M_2

Substituting (a) into (b)

 \hspace{10pt}N_2 \times 3 = N_1 \times 3
 \hspace{10pt}N_2 = N_1

It is inconsistent with  \boldsymbol{N_1 \neq N_2}. This assumes that there is a value before the operation, but what about the initial value without the value before the operation?

However, the initial value without a value before the calculation is a multiple of 3, and since the multiple of 3 does not appear after the calculation, it will not be the same value. It is clear that  \boldsymbol{N + 1} also gives him the same contradictory results as  \boldsymbol{N \times 3}.

 \hspace{10pt}N_3 \neq N_4
 \hspace{10pt}N_3 + 1 = M_3
 \hspace{10pt}N_4 + 1 = M_4
 \hspace{10pt}M_3 =  M_4
 \hspace{10pt}N_4 + 1  = N_3 + 1
 \hspace{10pt}N_4 = N_3

 \boldsymbol{N / 2^{n}} is also inconsistent if the indices are equal.

 \hspace{10pt}N_5 \neq N_6
 \hspace{10pt}N_5 / 2^{n} = M_5
 \hspace{10pt}N_6 / 2^{n} = M_6
 \hspace{10pt}M_5 =  M_6
 \hspace{10pt}N_6 / 2^{n}  = N_5 / 2^{n}
 \hspace{10pt}N_6 = N_5

However,  N / 2^{n} may be equal after the operation due to the difference in the exponents. In fact, if it becomes 29 or 117 after performing several operations from 7 as shown below, the same value will be obtained in even-numbered operations, but is it possible that it is an actual continuous operation?

 \hspace{30pt}111(7)  \hspace{10pt}\times 11 + 1 =    \hspace{20pt}10110,    \hspace{20pt}10110 / 10(2)   \hspace{15pt}= 1011(11)
 \hspace{20pt}11101(29)\hspace{5pt} \times 11 + 1 =  \hspace{10pt}1011000,  \hspace{10pt}1011000 / 10^{11}(2^{3}) \hspace{3pt}= 1011(11)
 \hspace{10pt}1110101(117) \times 11 + 1 = 101100000, 101100000 / 10^{101}(2^{5}) = 1011(11)

The fact that the order of the upper digits 0 and 1 is the same and only the number of the lower 0s is different after the odd number operation does not appear in the operation starting from a multiple of the initial value 3 to becoming 1. It corresponds to the confluence when the initial value, a multiple of 3, is started with another value. Therefore, even the operation of  \boldsymbol{N \times 2^{n}} does not circulate.

No value circulation due to multiple operations

The fact that the values circulate means that those values do not appear until the operation is repeated and converged to 1.

Assuming that there is a 1 in the upper digit, if you perform operations on the lowest digit continuously as shown below, you can see that all the digits are valid without being missed(The even operation  N / 2^{n} is omitted to fix the digit, and +1 in the odd operation conversely performs  + 1 \times 2^{n}).

 \hspace{10pt}...0000001 \times 11 + \hspace{20pt}1 =\hspace{5pt}...0000011 +  \hspace{20pt}1 =\hspace{5pt}...0000100
 \hspace{10pt}...0000100 \times 11 + \hspace{10pt}100 =\hspace{5pt}...0001100 +  \hspace{10pt}100 =\hspace{5pt}...0010000
 \hspace{10pt}...0010000 \times 11 + 10000 =\hspace{5pt}...0110000 + 10000 =\hspace{5pt}...1000000

If some digits are not valid, they may not converge to 1. It happens by removing the least significant digit in the case of his  N\times3-1, which is a variant of odd operations.

Looking at the number that converges to 1 by this operation, the minimum value is 3 and the second place is 11, and 5, 7 and 9 in between do not converge to 1 and circulate, but this is due to -1. This is because the lowest value is not valid. 5 and 7 go directly, 9 goes to 13, 19, and 7 and circulates.

 \hspace{15pt}11(3) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0001001 - 1 = 0001000(8), \hspace{5pt}0001000(8) \hspace{5pt}/ 10^{11}(2^{3}) \hspace{3pt}= 1
 \hspace{5pt}1011(11) \times 11 - 1 = 0100001 - 1 = 0100000(32), 0100000(32) / 10^{101}(2^{5}) = 1

 \hspace{10pt}101(5) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0001111 - 1 = 001110(14), 001110(14)   / 10(2)     \hspace{12pt}=  00111(7)
 \hspace{10pt}111(7) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0010101 - 1 = 010100(20), 010100(20)   / 10^{10}(2^{2})  =  00101(5)
 \hspace{5pt}1001(9) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0011011 - 1 = 011010(26), 011010(26)   / 10(2)     \hspace{12pt}=  01101(13)
 \hspace{5pt}1101(13) \times 11 - 1 = 0100111 - 1 = 100110(38), 100110(38)   / 10(2)     \hspace{12pt}=  10011(19)
 \hspace{0pt}10011(19) \times 11 - 1 = 0111001 - 1 = 111000(56), 111000(56)   / 10^{11}(2^{3})  = 111000(7)

[Reason why the value does not spread]

The diffusion of values occurs when the calculation result expands on average. Individual expansion is due to odd number of operations.

In binary numbers, the growth rate of the lowest digit is sufficiently higher than that of the highest digit.

The final convergence to 1 means that the least significant digit 1 in the binary number catches up with the most significant digit 1 when only odd-numbered operations are performed(Here, the blue 1 becomes the red 1).

Normal      Odd-only             Opening
 operations  operations           of top and bottom digits
 \require{color}\hspace{10pt}111(7)\hspace{75pt}\textcolor{#ff0000}{1}1\textcolor{#00a0ff}{1}(7)\hspace{35pt} 2
 \require{color}\hspace{5pt}1011(11)\hspace{55pt}\textcolor{#ff0000}{1}01\textcolor{#00a0ff}{10}(22)\hspace{35pt} 3

Since the most significant digit in binary is tripled,  log_2 3 = 1.58 digits in a stable state. The last 0, which is the extension of the lowest digit, is definitely one digit by +1. If the adjacent high digit is 0, it becomes 2 by the carry.

 \hspace{10pt}01\times11(3)+1 = \hspace{5pt}100\hspace{20pt} Double digit growth
 \hspace{10pt}11\times11(3)+1 = 1010\hspace{20pt} Single digit growth

The probability of being vacant from the adjacent high-order digit to the end is

 \hspace{10pt}1/2 + 1/2^{2} + 1/2^{3} +...\hspace{5pt}= 1

Therefore, the extension is two digits as in the case where the adjacent high-order digits are 0. Therefore, the ratio of growth between the most significant digit and the least significant digit is  1.58 / 2 = 0.79. This is a sufficient ratio to converge, and if it is not an infinite value, it will eventually converge to 1.

7Trends in growth of the most significant digit and the least significant digit using 7 as an example

Number of operations Normal operation Odd-only operations Number of digit growth
Most significant digit Last digit
0 111 7 111 7 0 0
1 1011 11 10110 22 2 1
2 10001 17 1000100 68 4 2
3 1101 13 11010000 208 5 4
4 101 5 1010000000 640 7 7
5 1 1 100000000000 2048 9 11

Growth rate of the highest digit (1.8) = Number of growth of digits (9) / Number of operations (5)
Growth rate of the lowest digit (2.2) = Number of growth of digits (11) / Number of operations (5)
Growth rate ratio (0.818) = Growth rate of the highest digit (1.8) / Growth rate of the lowest digit (2.2)

Growth rate ratio between upper digit and least significant digit (value only is binary)

Kinds Value / Number of digits Number of operations Most significant digit Last digit Growth rate ratio
(Most digit / Least significant digit)
Number of digits Growth rate Number of digits Growth rate
0 11(3) 2 4 2 5 2.5 0.8
0 101(5) 1 2 2 5 5 0.4
0 111(7) 5 9 1.8 11 2.2 0.818
0 1001(9) 6 10 1.667 13 2.167 0.769
0 1011(11) 4 7 1.75 10 2.5 0.7
1 101 528 838 1.587 938 1.777 0.893
2 101 210 334 1.590 434 2.067 0.769
3 101 268 427 1.593 527 1.966 0.810
1 1001 4923 7805 1.585 8805 1.789 0.886
2 1001 2417 3832 1.585 4832 1.999 0.793
3 1001 2621 4156 1.586 5156 1.967 0.806
1 10001 48126 76280 1.585 86280 1.793 0.884
2 10001 24131 38248 1.585 48248 1.999 0.793
3 10001 24300 38546 1.586 48546 1.998 0.794


  • 0: Value
  • 1: 111...111
  • 2: 100...001
  • 3: 11

Judgment of the state where the value expands

The operation result of  \boldsymbol{(N \times 3 + 1) / 2} becomes an odd number is the maximum value of the number congruent with 2 modulo 3, and only in this case, it is expanded even if an even number operation is performed. This is limited to the case where the least significant two digits of the value before the operation are 11, for the following reasons.

Three times the number 100, which is one larger than 11, is congruent with 0 with 3 as the modulo ... (a)
Multiplying 11 and adding 1 makes it congruent with 1 with 3 as the modulo ................... (b)
If you add both, you can divide by 2, and if you divide by 2, you get an odd number ....... (c)
The above calculation result is congruent with 2 with 3 as the modulo ............................. (d)

 \hspace{20pt}100 \times   11      \hspace{15pt}=  1100(12,0) \hspace{1pt}......(a)
 \hspace{25pt}11 \times   11 + 1 =  1010(10,1) ......(b)
 \hspace{15pt}1100 + 1010     \hspace{5pt} = \hspace{5pt}10110       ..........(c)
 \hspace{10pt}10110\hspace{3pt}/\hspace{14pt}  10     \hspace{5pt} = \hspace{5pt}1011(11,2).....(d)

Since 3 times the binary number 100 is congruent with 0 modulo 3, 3 times the binary number whose last 2 digits are 00 is always congruent with 0 modulo 3.
Therefore, if the last two digits are 11, all odd numbers are calculated to be the maximum value of a number congruent with 2 modulo 3.

The expanding state is finite

When multiplying by 3 with consecutive 1s in the upper digit, the last 2 digits are always 01, the first 2 digits are 10, and the middle is filled with 1. This is because there is no carry from the bottom and the top 1 is cut off.

 \hspace{25pt}11... \times 11 =   \hspace{15pt}1001...
 \hspace{20pt}111... \times 11 =  \hspace{10pt}10101...
 \hspace{15pt}1111... \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}101101...
 \hspace{10pt}11111... \times 11 = 1011101...

If there is a continuous 1 in the lowest digit, adding 1 makes the continuous 1 a value one digit less than before the operation. That is, when the calculation is repeated in these states, the value expands by the number of consecutive one digit and then converges.

 \hspace{25pt}11 \times 11 + 1 =   \hspace{15pt}1010
 \hspace{20pt}111 \times 11 + 1 =  \hspace{10pt}10110
 \hspace{15pt}1111 \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{5pt}101110
 \hspace{10pt}11111 \times 11 + 1 = 1011110

Therefore, the expansion depends on the continuous 1s of the lowest digit in the value before the operation, but if the number of consecutive 1s is finite, it will eventually converge.

Example of expanding and then reducing for two consecutive times:

 \hspace{15pt}10111(23) \times 11 + 1 =\hspace{5pt}1000110,  \hspace{5pt}1000110 / 10    \hspace{12pt}= 100011(35)
 \hspace{10pt}100011(35) \times 11 + 1 =\hspace{5pt}1101010,  \hspace{5pt}1101010 / 10    \hspace{12pt}= 110101(53)
 \hspace{10pt}110101(53) \times 11 + 1 = 10100000, 10100000 / 10^{101} \hspace{1pt} =   \hspace{15pt}101(5)

When repeated occurrences and disappearances, the growth rate of contraction is sufficiently higher than the growth rate of expansion.

Looking at the one with a small value of the lowest digit 11 that can be expanded

This cannot occur because 11 (3,0) is a multiple of 3.
111 (7,1) is caused by 1001 (9,0).

 \hspace{10pt}1001(9)\times11(3)+1=11100(28), 11100\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}100(4) = 111(7)

Since 9 is also a multiple of 3, this cannot be generated, but this can be avoided by adding the binary number 10 to the adjacent high-order digits, and the number of 11 to be generated can be increased by the same number of digits.

 \hspace{20pt}  101001(41,2)\hspace{5pt} \times 11(3) + 1 = \hspace{10pt}1111100, \hspace{10pt}1111100 / 100 = \hspace{10pt}11111(31)
 \hspace{10pt}10101001(169,1)            \times 11(3) + 1 = 111111100, 111111100 / 100 = 1111111(127)

Condition to expand the generated value (There are 3 or more consecutive 1s in the lowest digit, and the number increases by 2 digits)


Condition to generate an expanded value (the least significant digit is 01 and one or more 10s in the adjacent high digit)


The condition for generating an expanding value and the condition for arranging 01 for reducing digits are values in which the order of 0 and 1 after the third digit is reversed, and it can be said that the probabilities of generating these are equal. However, the number of enlargement / reduction operations is different, and enlargement (number of enlargement digits) > reduction (1).

 \hspace{20pt}  010101(21)  \times 11 + 1 =   1000000

 \hspace{20pt}  101001(41)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{10pt}1111100
 \hspace{25pt}   11111(31)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{10pt}1011110
 \hspace{20pt}  101111(47)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{5pt}10001110
 \hspace{15pt} 1000111(71)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{5pt}11010110
 \hspace{15pt} 1101011(107) \times 11 + 1 = 101000010

As for the growth rate between the most significant digit and the least significant digit, if the number of digits of the initial value is set to T, the number of expansion operations is  T-2,

    Reduction calculation
 \hspace{10pt}Most significant digit(2)/least significant digit(T)

    Expansion calculation
 \hspace{10pt}Most significant digit ((log_2 3)+(log_2 x(3.5))(T-2)) / least significant digit (2+(T-2))
 \hspace{10pt}8.81 / 6(T=6)

The growth rate of the most significant digit at the expanded value is not accurate, but the calculated value as  log_2 x(x=3.5) is  8.81, but it is less than 8 in the actual calculation. Therefore, if the elongation of the highest digit is 8, the ratio to the reduced value is 1: 4, and even if the expanded value is generated and expanded repeatedly, it will finally converge. Furthermore, for reduction with a small number of operations, reduction with  log_2 3 / 2 as a ratio is added by the difference in the number of operations (enlargement (T-1) -reduction (1) = (T-2)).


When the operation is performed with the number of digits T = 114, the following results are obtained. In the case of reduction, only one operation is always performed, so the difference increases as the number of digits increases.

 \hspace{10pt}Reduction (2/114 = 0.018)\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}Expansion((293-114)/(293-179) = 1.570)\hspace{2pt}=\hspace{2pt}(0.011)

State to shrink
Initial value (114 digits)
Operation result-End of reduction
Number of operations 1 time

State that keeps expanding
Initial value (114 digits)
Calculation result-End of expansion (number of digits 293, least significant digit 179)
Number of operations 113 times

In addition, although the value to be expanded can be obtained in other states such as  11101(29,2), the density of 1 becomes high ( density \gt 1/2), which causes unnecessary values and digits to be expanded. Efficiency (number of enlargements / number of digits of initial value) becomes worse.

 \hspace{20pt}  11101(29)\hspace{5pt}\times11+1 = \hspace{10pt}1011000
 \hspace{15pt} 111101(61)\hspace{5pt}\times11+1 = \hspace{5pt}10111000
 \hspace{10pt}1111101(125)\times11+1 = 101111000

From the above

Even if the operation  (N \times 3 + 1) / 2^{n} is repeated, it does not circulate and does not spread.
∴ Collatz's prediction is correct

Written notice.
I translated from Japanese original in machine translation software on the Internet. I translated it into Japanese with the same software and confirmed it, but I think there are imprecise and unclear places.

The original text is below.
コラッツ予想の証明 -  log_2 3\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}2 の収束


 \hspace{20pt}\boldsymbol{log_2 3\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}2} の収束


任意の正の整数 n に対して、以下で定められる操作について考える。

  • n が偶数の場合、n を 2 で割る
  • n が奇数の場合、n に 3 をかけて 1 を足す

このとき、「どんな初期値から始めても、有限回の操作のうちに必ず 1 に到達する(そして 1→4→2→1 というループに入る)」という主張が、コラッツの予想である。







 \hspace{15pt}5 \times 3 = 15
 \hspace{10pt}15 + 1 = 16


 \hspace{15pt}101 \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}1111
 \hspace{10pt}1111 + \hspace{5pt}1 = 10000


 \hspace{15pt}1 \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}11
 \hspace{10pt}11 + \hspace{5pt}1 = 100




 \hspace{20pt}11(3) \times 11 = 1001(9)
 \hspace{10pt}1001(9) + \hspace{5pt}1 = 1010(10)


 \hspace{15pt}1001(9)\hspace{5pt} \times 11 = 11011(27)
 \hspace{10pt}11011(27) + \hspace{5pt}1 = 11100(28)



 \hspace{10pt}1010101010101010101 \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}11111111111111111111
 \hspace{10pt}1111111111111111111 + \hspace{5pt}1 = 100000000000000000000(2^{20})


 \hspace{15pt}349525 \times 3 = 1048575
 \hspace{10pt}1048575 + 1 = 1048576


つまり「奇数の演算  \boldsymbol{N \times 3 + 1} を繰り返すと必ず2の乗数になる」というのがコラッツの問題の本質である。ただし3を掛けた後に加えるのは1ではなく、2進数値での1の値の最小位桁と同じ値であること

演算結果が3を法として0と合同になることはない。これは奇数の演算結果  N \times 3 + 1 では必ず3を法として1と合同となるのだから、その数の因数に3が無いことによる。




 \hspace{10pt}N \times 3
 \hspace{10pt}N + 1

まず  N \times 3 で循環するとして、初めの演算をする値を  N_1、その演算後の値を  M_1、循環する値を  N_2、その演算後の循環した値を  M_2 とすれば

 \hspace{10pt}N_1 \neq N_2
 \hspace{10pt}N_1 \times 3 = M_1 (a)
 \hspace{10pt}N_2 \times 3 = M_2 (b)
 \hspace{10pt}M_1 =  M_2


 \hspace{10pt}N_2 \times 3 = N_1 \times 3
 \hspace{10pt}N_2 = N_1

となり  \boldsymbol{N_1 \neq N_2} と矛盾する。これは演算前の値があることを想定したのだが、演算前の値のない初期値ではどうか。

だが演算前の値がない初期値というのは3の倍数であり、演算後に3の倍数は現れないのだから同じ値になることもない。 \boldsymbol{N + 1} \boldsymbol{N \times 3} と同様に矛盾する結果になるのは明らか

 \hspace{10pt}N_3 \neq N_4
 \hspace{10pt}N_3 + 1 = M_3
 \hspace{10pt}N_4 + 1 = M_4
 \hspace{10pt}M_3 =  M_4
 \hspace{10pt}N_4 + 1  = N_3 + 1
 \hspace{10pt}N_4 = N_3

 \boldsymbol{N / 2^{n}} も指数が等しければ矛盾となる

 \hspace{10pt}N_5 \neq N_6
 \hspace{10pt}N_5 / 2^{n} = M_5
 \hspace{10pt}N_6 / 2^{n} = M_6
 \hspace{10pt}M_5 =  M_6
 \hspace{10pt}N_6 / 2^{n}  = N_5 / 2^{n}
 \hspace{10pt}N_6 = N_5

しかし  N / 2^{n} は指数に差が出ることにより演算後に等しくなる可能性がある。事実、以下のように7から数回の演算を行った後に29あるいは117となった場合、偶数の演算で同じ値となってしまうが、実際の連続する演算ではあり得るか。

 \hspace{30pt}111(7)  \hspace{10pt}\times 11 + 1 =    \hspace{20pt}10110,    \hspace{20pt}10110 / 10(2)   \hspace{15pt}= 1011(11)
 \hspace{20pt}11101(29)\hspace{5pt} \times 11 + 1 =  \hspace{10pt}1011000,  \hspace{10pt}1011000 / 10^{11}(2^{3}) \hspace{3pt}= 1011(11)
 \hspace{10pt}1110101(117) \times 11 + 1 = 101100000, 101100000 / 10^{101}(2^{5}) = 1011(11)

このように奇数の演算後に上位桁の0と1の並びが等しく下位0の数だけが異なるというのは、初期値3の倍数から始めて1になるまでの演算の中に現れることはなく、それは初期値である3の倍数を別の値で始めた場合の合流点に当る。したがって  \boldsymbol{N \times 2^{n}} の演算でも循環することはない



上位桁に1があるとして、以下のように最下位桁に連続で演算を施すと、取りこぼしなく、すべての桁が有効であるのが分かる(桁を固定するために偶数の演算  N / 2^{n} を省略し、奇数の演算における+1は逆に  + 1 \times 2^{n} を行なう)。

 \hspace{10pt}...0000001 \times 11 + \hspace{20pt}1 =\hspace{5pt}...0000011 +  \hspace{20pt}1 =\hspace{5pt}...0000100
 \hspace{10pt}...0000100 \times 11 + \hspace{10pt}100 =\hspace{5pt}...0001100 +  \hspace{10pt}100 =\hspace{5pt}...0010000
 \hspace{10pt}...0010000 \times 11 + 10000 =\hspace{5pt}...0110000 + 10000 =\hspace{5pt}...1000000

もし有効ではない桁があれば、それによって1に収束しないものもあり得る。それは奇数の演算を変形した  N\times3-1 の場合、最下位桁を削除することにより起こる。


 \hspace{15pt}11(3) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0001001 - 1 = 0001000(8), \hspace{5pt}0001000(8) \hspace{5pt}/ 10^{11}(2^{3}) \hspace{3pt}= 1
 \hspace{5pt}1011(11) \times 11 - 1 = 0100001 - 1 = 0100000(32), 0100000(32) / 10^{101}(2^{5}) = 1

 \hspace{10pt}101(5) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0001111 - 1 = 001110(14), 001110(14)   / 10(2)     \hspace{12pt}=  00111(7)
 \hspace{10pt}111(7) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0010101 - 1 = 010100(20), 010100(20)   / 10^{10}(2^{2})  =  00101(5)
 \hspace{5pt}1001(9) \hspace{5pt}\times 11 - 1 = 0011011 - 1 = 011010(26), 011010(26)   / 10(2)     \hspace{12pt}=  01101(13)
 \hspace{5pt}1101(13) \times 11 - 1 = 0100111 - 1 = 100110(38), 100110(38)   / 10(2)     \hspace{12pt}=  10011(19)
 \hspace{0pt}10011(19) \times 11 - 1 = 0111001 - 1 = 111000(56), 111000(56)   / 10^{11}(2^{3})  = 111000(7)





通常の演算   奇数だけの演算   最上位と最下位桁の開き
 \require{color}\hspace{10pt}111(7)\hspace{65pt}\textcolor{#ff0000}{1}1\textcolor{#00a0ff}{1}(7)\hspace{35pt} 2
 \require{color}\hspace{5pt}1011(11)\hspace{45pt}\textcolor{#ff0000}{1}01\textcolor{#00a0ff}{10}(22)\hspace{35pt} 3

2進数での最上位桁は3倍になるのだから安定した状態では  log_2 3 = 1.58 桁の伸びである。最下位桁の伸びである末尾の0は+1により確実に1桁はあり、隣接する上位桁が0であれば桁上げにより2となる。

 \hspace{10pt}01\times11(3)+1 = \hspace{5pt}100  2桁の伸び
 \hspace{10pt}11\times11(3)+1 = 1010  1桁の伸び


 \hspace{10pt}1/2 + 1/2^{2} + 1/2^{3} +...\hspace{5pt}= 1

であり、隣接する上位桁が0の場合と同じく2桁の伸びとなる。したがって最上位桁と最下位桁の伸びの比率は  1.58 / 2 = 0.79 である。これは収束するには十分な比率であり、無限の値でなければ最後は1に収束する


演算回数 通常の演算 奇数だけの演算 桁の伸び数
最上位桁 最下位桁
0 111 7 111 7 0 0
1 1011 11 10110 22 2 1
2 10001 17 1000100 68 4 2
3 1101 13 11010000 208 5 4
4 101 5 1010000000 640 7 7
5 1 1 100000000000 2048 9 11

最上位桁の伸び率(1.8)=桁の伸び数(9) /演算回数(5)
伸び率比(0.818)   =最上位桁の伸び率(1.8)/最下位桁の伸び率(2.2)


種別 値/桁数 演算回数 最上位桁 最下位桁 伸び率比
桁数 伸び率 桁数 伸び率
0 11(3) 2 4 2 5 2.5 0.8
0 101(5) 1 2 2 5 5 0.4
0 111(7) 5 9 1.8 11 2.2 0.818
0 1001(9) 6 10 1.667 13 2.167 0.769
0 1011(11) 4 7 1.75 10 2.5 0.7
1 101 528 838 1.587 938 1.777 0.893
2 101 210 334 1.590 434 2.067 0.769
3 101 268 427 1.593 527 1.966 0.810
1 1001 4923 7805 1.585 8805 1.789 0.886
2 1001 2417 3832 1.585 4832 1.999 0.793
3 1001 2621 4156 1.586 5156 1.967 0.806
1 10001 48126 76280 1.585 86280 1.793 0.884
2 10001 24131 38248 1.585 48248 1.999 0.793
3 10001 24300 38546 1.586 48546 1.998 0.794


  • 0: 値
  • 1: 111...111
  • 2: 100...001
  • 3: 1<乱数>1


 \boldsymbol{(N \times 3 + 1) / 2} の演算結果が奇数になるのは3を法として2と合同な数の最大値であり、この場合のみ偶数演算を施しても拡大する。これは演算前の値の最下位2桁が11の場合に限るが、それは以下の理由による

11より1大きい数100の3倍は3を法として0と合同となる …………(a)

 \hspace{20pt}100 \times   11      \hspace{15pt}=  1100(12,0) \hspace{1pt}......(a)
 \hspace{25pt}11 \times   11 + 1 =  1010(10,1) ......(b)
 \hspace{15pt}1100 + 1010     \hspace{5pt} = \hspace{5pt}10110       ..........(c)
 \hspace{10pt}10110\hspace{3pt}/\hspace{14pt}  10     \hspace{5pt} = \hspace{5pt}1011(11,2).....(d)




 \hspace{25pt}11... \times 11 =   \hspace{15pt}1001...
 \hspace{20pt}111... \times 11 =  \hspace{10pt}10101...
 \hspace{15pt}1111... \times 11 = \hspace{5pt}101101...
 \hspace{10pt}11111... \times 11 = 1011101...


 \hspace{25pt}11 \times 11 + 1 =   \hspace{15pt}1010
 \hspace{20pt}111 \times 11 + 1 =  \hspace{10pt}10110
 \hspace{15pt}1111 \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{5pt}101110
 \hspace{10pt}11111 \times 11 + 1 = 1011110



 \hspace{15pt}10111(23) \times 11 + 1 =\hspace{5pt}1000110,  \hspace{5pt}1000110 / 10    \hspace{12pt}= 100011(35)
 \hspace{10pt}100011(35) \times 11 + 1 =\hspace{5pt}1101010,  \hspace{5pt}1101010 / 10    \hspace{12pt}= 110101(53)
 \hspace{10pt}110101(53) \times 11 + 1 = 10100000, 10100000 / 10^{101} \hspace{1pt} =   \hspace{15pt}101(5)



11(3,0) は3の倍数であるからこれを発生できない。

 \hspace{10pt}1001(9)\times11(3)+1=11100(28), 11100\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}100(4) = 111(7)


 \hspace{20pt}  101001(41,2)\hspace{5pt} \times 11(3) + 1 = \hspace{10pt}1111100, \hspace{10pt}1111100 / 100 = \hspace{10pt}11111(31)
 \hspace{10pt}10101001(169,1)            \times 11(3) + 1 = 111111100, 111111100 / 100 = 1111111(127)






 \hspace{20pt}  010101(21)  \times 11 + 1 =   1000000

 \hspace{20pt}  101001(41)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{10pt}1111100
 \hspace{25pt}   11111(31)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{10pt}1011110
 \hspace{20pt}  101111(47)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{5pt}10001110
 \hspace{15pt} 1000111(71)\hspace{5pt}  \times 11 + 1 = \hspace{5pt}11010110
 \hspace{15pt} 1101011(107) \times 11 + 1 = 101000010

それぞれの最上位桁と最下位桁との伸び率は、初期値の桁数をTと置くと拡大の演算回数が  T-2 となり


  最上位桁((log_2 3)+(log_2 x(3.5))(T-2))/最下位桁(2+(T-2))
  8.81 / 6(T=6)

拡大した値での最上位桁の伸び率は正確ではないが  log_2 x(x=3.5) としての計算値は  8.81 であるが実際の演算では8未満となる。そこで最上位桁の伸びを8とすると、縮小した値との比は1:4となり、拡大する値の発生、拡大を繰り返しても最終的に収束することになる。さらに演算数の少ない縮小には、演算回数の差である(拡大(T-1)-縮小(1) = (T-2))により  log_2 3 / 2 を比率とした縮小が加わるのである。



  縮小(2 / 114 = 0.018)\hspace{2pt}/\hspace{2pt}拡大((293-114)/(293-179) = 1.570)\hspace{2pt}=\hspace{2pt}(0.011)



なお、 11101(29,2) のような他の状態でも拡大する値は得られるが、1の密度が高くなる( 密度 \gt 1/2)ことにより無駄な値や桁が発生してしまい、拡大効率(拡大回数/初期値の桁数)は悪くなる。

 \hspace{20pt}  11101(29)\hspace{5pt}\times11+1 = \hspace{10pt}1011000
 \hspace{15pt} 111101(61)\hspace{5pt}\times11+1 = \hspace{5pt}10111000
 \hspace{10pt}1111101(125)\times11+1 = 101111000


演算  (N \times 3 + 1) / 2^{n} を繰り返しても循環することはなく、拡散することもない